Smooth Move:
Mastering the Transition When Switching Financial Advisor Firms
Includes Q&A
Tuesday, April 23rd at 12 pm ET
Considering a Move to a New Financial Advisor Firm? This webinar is designed for financial advisors contemplating or navigating a firm transition. Industry veteran Duncan MacPherson, CEO of Pareto Systems, will guide you through the key considerations for a smooth transition for you and your clients.
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Advisor Flight Plan

Program: Advisor Flight Plan

Program Type: 1:1 Coaching

Duration: 6 - 12 Months


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The Pareto Systems Advisor Flight Plan Program focuses on advisors who are at a transitional point and who seek to move from their current firm to one that is a better fit, both for them and for their clients.

Avoiding the Pitfalls

Because many advisors have switched firms in the past and the experience was more difficult than they anticipated, the outcome was often anticlimactic. The grass wasn't really any greener and some clients may have been lost in transition. There can thus be considerable anxiety about the process. You ultimately want your next move to be your last move, and accordingly, you will want to get out in front of all the related issues and check every single box to ensure the outcome is even better than you hoped for.

The Advisor Flight Plan will ensure that you:

  • Can be crystal clear about the WHY so that your clients will see the merit and buy-into the change.
  • Have a clearly defined and methodical approach to HOW to make the transition.
  • Deploy a process that not only ramps up and executes, but also follows-through over the long haul.
  • Reset client relationships in a way that positively reframes how they perceive and empower you.
  • Position the move as a benefit to the client and in line with a stewardship rather than a salesmanship mind-set.

Expectation management for both you and your clients is vital. The stronger your relationships are and the better your communication strategy and execution is, the more likely that your clients say to you "Whatever you think is best. I will follow you anywhere."

Take Action

For many years, financial advisors have approached Pareto Systems for guidance on how to transition from one firm to another. Those interactions have provided us with a window on how to reduce the friction and hassle factor that often come with this potentially life-altering decision. We have developed and refined a process that can position an advisor for an uneventful departure and a smooth landing. If you are contemplating a transition in the future and you'd like to talk about the essential steps needed to ensure a predictable outcome, contact us.

Advisor Flight Plan

To learn more about The Advisor Flight Plan simply click on the button below to schedule a Pareto Systems Introductory Call with one of our representatives.

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