Smooth Move:
Mastering the Transition When Switching Financial Advisor Firms
Includes Q&A
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Considering a Move to a New Financial Advisor Firm? This webinar is designed for financial advisors contemplating or navigating a firm transition. Industry veteran Duncan MacPherson, CEO of Pareto Systems, will guide you through the key considerations for a smooth transition for you and your clients.
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Take Impeccable Care of Yourself
2023-04-28 • 20 second read

The best way to take care of your business, your clients and your growth potential is to take impeccable care of yourself. You can’t pour from an empty cup. We’ve seen fee-for-service professionals strive to take care of everybody and everything around them, but it came at their own expense. Self-sacrifice does not breed respect, self-interest does. So in that hour-a-day, or whatever model you adopt, charge up your batteries, pay tribute to the temple (your mental and physical health) and slow life down a little.

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